Drawing Conversations
Drawing Conversations is an exercise I developed for collaboratively engaging in speculative ideas of different levels of abstraction. Through drawing, I engage with other scholars and practitioners, who may or may not use drawing in their work, but who might be interested to collaboratively explore ideas in non-verbal forms. The interpretations of our drawings are a reflection of our situated perspectives and disciplines, suggesting fresh understandings of designed artefacts and the experiences they invite.
Drawing Conversations is an ongoing initiative.

Venetian Drawing Conversations workshop, exploring collaborative speculative drawing- ACM Creativity & Cognition conference, Venice 2022

Drawing Conversations with HCI researcher Marie Louise Juul Søndergaard, merging drawings of syringes with vacuum cleaners and sinks with weighing scales.

Drawing Conversations with mathematician Prof. Marcus du Sautoy, in which we merged my drawing of a calliper with his drawing of a tesseract, and created various iterations.
-Venetian Drawing Conversations workshop. ACM Creativity&Cognition 2022, Venice, June, 2022. Paulina Yurman, Marie Louise Juul Søndergaard, James Pierce, Nadia Campo Woytuk, Anuradha Reddy and Matt Malpass. https://drawing-conversations-2022.com
- Fluid Speculations: Drawing Artefacts in Watercolour as Experimentation in Research Through Design. Paulina Yurman. 2021. ACM Creativity & Cognition conference, Venice 2021. Honorable Mention Award at C&C 2021
- Video of Fluid Speculations for ACM C&C conference, Venice 2021
- So I drew this thing. Conversations through Artefact Drawing. Paulina Yurman. 2020. Position Paper for DIS 2020 virtual workshop http://thingsofdesign.info

Drawing Conversations with physicist Prof. Andreas Brandhubber. We did various drawing iterations, we merged my drawings of coffee makers and his drawings of Feynman’s models of particle movements. The resulting drawings could be intepreted from both our disciplinary perspectives: either a coffee machine that could serve four cups, or a new representation of particle movements.

The first Drawing Conversation was with industrial designer Jon Marshall, developed during lockdown. We first drew an artefact of our choice, in this case a pair of shoes and a printer. What followed was a number of drawings that evolved from one artefact into the other. The result was a range of strange in-between drawings that invited new stories that we discussed: digital shoes that could print images of the places they walked over, or printers that might walk. The exercise also enabled an appreciation of differences in drawing approaches and used media.

Drawing Conversation with HCI researcher James Pierce, merging drawings of surveillance cameras with drawings of water dispensers.

Drawing Conversation with sexual health clinician Dr. Liat Sarner in which we merged a drawing of a speculum with a drawing of a plantpot- resulting on drawings of gardening specula.